Mommy, Why Don't We Celebrate Halloween?
was a need in the Christian community that was being ignored. It's Halloween and the Christians who do not celebrate it.
Some Christian radio programs, churches, and publishers felt Halloween was too controversial a topic. Many have done programs on alternative ways to celebrate it.
I tell all who challenge me concerning the book, "Mommy, Why Don't We Celebrate Halloween?", that it is written to explain to others why my family does not celebrate Halloween, "NOT" why others should not.
This is a resource book. As adults we can choose to ignore Halloween, but what about our kids? They are the ones out there struggling with this situation. These children need to know there is a resource to give to those who poke fun and question them every October.
The first year that Destiny Image Publishers went national with this book, they received a call from Anthony LaVay, son of Anton LaVay, who wrote the Satanic Bible. As a new Christian he called to say, "Thank You for producing this book and please thank Mrs. Winwood for writing it. It's about time someone wrote a book for children. If parents knew what still happens on that night, they would never let their children out of the house. This book will really make an impact!"