Colored Eggs for Jesse
Eggs for Jesse" explains the true Easter Story about Jesus using a set
of 18 colored plastic eggs Jesse received as a gift from his grandmother.
The book is written so that even children who have reading problems can follow the pictures and can also create a set of eggs like those used in the story. Included is Bible scripture and biblical pictures to color. On the last page of the book there is a list of items needed to create a set of eggs for your family.
This story can also be found in the "Mommy Why?" book series.
This book can be purchased as a single for $4 each by calling Linda Hacon Winwood at 412-554-0446 or email her at:
How the Book Originated
"Over 30 years ago my church printed in the bulletin a list of 20 items that could be hidden inside plastic easter eggs to tell the real Easter Story."
"Children would choose 12 of the items and create their own story. Back then, our family had hosted an annual egg hunt on our farm where we would hide 600 plastic eggs. After moving to the city, I started making up sets of these "Real Easter Eggs" and gave them all away."
"I was so excited when I discovered the pre packaged sets of these eggs in the Christian book store, until I saw the price - $15.00 for something we had done for years for almost free! As a young mother with 4 small children we barely had money for groceries let alone a Sunday school lesson!"
"Then I heard a national Christian radio program asking for ten dollar donations to send sets of these eggs to inner-city kids. That is when I decided to write, "Colored Eggs For Jesse."
"Children love telling stories and being creative. They learn so much more when they are involed in a hands-on project. The egg cartons are a great object lesson and a wonderful way of witnessing! Even children as young as three years of age can retell the story after putting together a set of the plastic eggs."